Sarah Foo-Ryland

I am passionate about simplifying life, increasing productivity and ultimately improving the performance of your Neurology.
Would you leave your phone for a year without updating the operating system? What about your laptop for 3 years? If one of these was running a glitchy piece of malware would you just leave it and hope for the best? No, because we need these vital pieces of kit to perform our banking, schedule our lives, hold meetings, sign life changing deals etc etc
So, why would you leave the most important supercomputer to sit with hardware that is outdated and misbehaving?
Solve the problem in 3 easy steps:
Identify the problem
Delete the problem
Install the solution
The reality is Neurology is provided to us whole,complete, the programs work in exactly the way they were designed to be used, it’s just life messes it up. It’s not broken, it’s glitchy and requires a system update
Sarah and Amanda are the developers of SSET™, the Self Sabotage Elimination Technique.
SSET™ is the Egyptian God of destruction and so is SELF SABOTAGE.
Self Sabotage is the single most destroying thing we can do to ourselves, things are tracking well and before we know it we are de-railing that success, creating destruction within our lives, every time. It becomes a pattern, a normality, the destruction takes hold quickly and something that could have taken months to nurture into our lives is destroyed in minutes.
Dr Amanda and Sarah have worked with thousands of clients to eliminate self sabotaging behaviours over the last 14 years. Through their experience with clients and their desire to ensure fast and effective change that lasts they have developed a technique that allows you to eliminate anything that is holding you back, SSET™ .

Using this technique we have transformed people's lives and not in a small way. We are talking about finding life long partners, getting the job of your dreams, moving to a new continent and importantly eradicating negative self-talk and self-destructive behaviour that is running 24/7.
" Sadly, we have noticed that 95% of those clients worked with over the last 14 years are woman and here's why; Woman put themselves last, find it hard to take a compliment, their needs are put on the shelf whilst everyones else's are upheld. Women can spend time creating 'Coronation Streets' in their imagination, thinking that people don't approve, don't like them and create a false sense of who they are and how powerful they are. This simple technique eliminates the deep rooted problem, the part of them that destroys, sabotages their inner belief to give the client freedom to be powerful, to have their life back and live their truth."
Every behaviour is a governed by a piece of neurology in the brain, it was installed as a child and over time it has been influenced by our environment. We all arrived on this planet perfectly whole, it's just other people's stuff has got in the way.
We have the tools to re- wire the brain, delete this behaviour and install something in it's place that is magnificent!.
Sarah worked as a physiotherapist since 2002 and has been committed to wellness and improving the quality of many lives since graduation. For years Sarah has been providing tools for people to improve their quality of life physically and is now excited to incorporate NLP and Time Line Therapy into every facet of her life helping others achieve positivity and drive.
Sarah with Amanda is the backbone of the company, she takes the lead in the highly successful mentoring programme that is offered to our worldwide team of coach's. Sarah is highly active both with client facing intervention and as a co-trainer with Amanda on all of our courses. She undoubtably has a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you on your journey of self change and empowerment.
Sarah played cricket for England for more than a decade, she has played all over the world in Test and One day series and has played representative cricket in both the Men’s and Women’s arena. Not content with watching her brother play at the local cricket club Sarah got stuck in at the age of 7 playing with the boys. She was the captain the County boys team from ages 12 to 18.
Sarah continued to be involved in the men's arena training and playing with Gloucester County cricket club. At 16 Sarah was selected to Captain the Women’s Under 17’s, also at this time Sarah was selected to play in the Under 23 age group. Sarah first played Senior International Cricket age 17 and continued until she was 25 when her career ended in 2005 after a back injury ruled her out from playing the sport again. Sarah feels fortunate to have first-hand experience of the demands that the first class sporting arena can pose and strives to assist others in maximising their potential.
Sarah and Amanda are married and enjoy spending their time between their homes in Portugal and the Southern hemisphere.
Sarah’s other life:
Sarah loves anything to do with the outdoors, the more extreme the better. She snowboards and mountain bikes. She is a keen diver having visited many renowned dive sites across the globe.In her quiet time she loves to read and play around with her guitar.
Sarah is passionate about wellness and supporting others in realising their absolute potential to simply be amazing.

Board Accreditation
- NLP Master Practitioner
- Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner
- NLP Instructor
- Master Hypnotherapist
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
- 10 year International Cricket Career
- Developer of SSET™ the Self Sabotage Elimination Technique
Coaching sessions: Sarah is currently is working internationally developing the business with Amanda and running courses. Sarah is however available for sessions via Zoom.
Sarah’s first consultation is always for 90 minutes and any follow up sessions required will be 60 minutes, however via Skype all sessions are 60 minutes.
Sarah will send out some questions for you to complete before your first session with her, along with a contract for you both to agree to, this way both the client and the coach have 100% piece of mind of what to expect in the session.Sarah offers consultations both face to face and over skype.
What is your investment? All include tax
Online Neural Coding Session | $295 USD | |
Live Neural Coding Session | $295 USD | |
SSET™ Self Sabotage Elimination Technique | $1079 USD |
Sarah is currently working internationally with bases in Portugal, Australia and the UK. All consultation room's are totally private and very home from home. You can be assured that you will feel comfortable and listened to.
Queenstown Practice and Training centre
One of Amanda's practices is in her home based at Speargrass Flat between Arrowtown and Queenstown, the consultation room is totally private and very home from home. Please park in the parking bay and walk through the gate to the right, the office is on the right.