Worthy: by Elaine Thompson
Read the raw and compelling insight into what is worth!
¨Today I did the bravest thing that I have done in a long time. I can still feel the adrenaline coursing through my arteries and veins. I published my writing and made it visible. To 164 people! With intention. Five minutes ago.
How to switch off anxiety
Feeling anxious,? Have a quick read on how to switch off anxiety in two simple steps.
FREE online gifts for you t...
We want to help you make the most out of your time, so we are giving away 3 great tools to help you plan, relax and be prepared, once all th...
Three questions to ask your...
Three simple questions that will change your day, everyday.
Calling all NLP qualified p...
During the last month we have been asked to develop online resources for the Frontline Health workers, the hospitality industry and essentia...
How to be happy whenever yo...
You can chose happiness, it doesn’t just happen to you, you can trigger it, easily.
Get the future you want rat...
What you think about effects how you feel, change the movie and you change everything.
Three small words, when utt...
Now more than ever people need help, this is a must read if you or anyone you care about is struggling.
'Healing with Words' a Medi...
Recently Dr. Martyn attended our Ultimate Transformational Course and was impressed by the tools taught. Together we have created a Course f...
'Healing with Words' changi...
I’m engaged in the one of the more exciting tasks of my medical career! I’m working with two highly skilled NLP coaches, Dr. Amanda and Sara...
My Ted talk and how to live...
Dr. Amanda recently did a Ted talk, in this blog she shares how to live life on your terms, it's a quick and easy tool.
How to keep connected in a ...
How to keep connected in a disjointed world? Three tips to help you stay connected to those you care about.
Are you being bullied?
How to deal with bullies either online or real time in two easy steps. Are you being bullied? Yes, you read that correctly, bullying is n...