
FREE online gifts for you to help you through this LOCKDOWN time
You may have seen we are doing much more on Facebook at the moment, offering people free resources to help them navigate this challenging time. We wanted to ensure that you all have access to these gifts, especially as you have more time for you.
You may also be home schooling, so if that's you then follow Bec our Kids Coach, she has LIVES that will help you, she won Kent teacher of the year award and has incredible experience which she shares in a fun way.
Here's what we have for you, take a look and choose what you want, all of them if you wish.
1. Our Action Day By Day, this is an award winning tool that will help you to install new habits over a 31 day period, plus the chapter of my book to go with this and explain in more detail how it works.

2. Our 25 minute Online Course 'Prepare Don't Panic' about anxiety, what it is, what happens in your neurology that causes you to feel anxious and what to do about it. We also have a closed facebook group to support this course, which you can join here.

3. Your chance to relax everyday, switch off for 15 minutes whilst I take you a on a journey to refresh, rebalance and relax your body and mind. This is a Hypnosis was recorded in a studio, I created it to allow you to press reset and create more confidence. Download your copy of 'Relax Now' and listen through headphones for the best results, everyday.

And lastly, if you or someone you know works as a frontline healthcare worker then please come and join us, we have created a closed group on Facebook with 16 Coaches helping daily with tools, strategies, techniques and uplifting content to help support our heros. This is being led by medical professionals as several of our Coaches have worked in the medical field.