
Worthy: by Elaine Thompson
Today I did the bravest thing that I have done in a long time. I can still feel the adrenaline coursing through my arteries and veins. I published my writing and made it visible. To 164 people! With intention. Five minutes ago.
And now, I am hiding.
What have I done? What is going to happen? I can’t look…
I think that this is what feeling the fear and doing it anyway is all about. To follow my dream, to step further on my path, and not merely stand still, this is what had to happen. And people will respond as they will respond.
The people I know are all good people. I can’t imagine any of them coming back to me with unkindness. I think the worst that could happen will be no one coming back to me at all. And that will have to be OK. It doesn’t take away from the fact that I was brave.
And, underneath the discomfort is a sense of pride. I felt the fear. I stood still for a while. And then, I did it anyway. And who knows, now could well have been the very best time. Instinct is a powerful thing. When I knew today was the day, I knew it completely.
Part of my Advent reflections has been to engage again with Jon Gordon’s One Word Challenge. Last year, my word was Writer; this year I have chosen Worthy. Or, perhaps the word has chosen me.
Do I believe that what I am now writing is worthy of being published? Do I believe that I have something of worth to say? That what I write could help someone else on their journey to their dream? Is my story Storyworthy?
This is something I have set an intention to explore in my Professional Growth Cycle this year, supported by my colleague, Karina. Professional Growth Cycles are less about plugging gaps in your practice and far more about growing and going in the direction of your talents, gifts and dreams.
They are about daring.
So, go ahead. Dare to dream. Dare to live. And find the person who will walk alongside you whilst you dare. Ask me!
And make your dream come true.
What’s your first step going to be?
“Since the one who is running all things, including galaxies, takes care to notice lost sheep, dying sparrows and fallen hair, maybe you should notice too.”
Leslie Leyland Fields